Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Festival Zoofest : Des Insultes Qui Ne Font Pas Rire
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bird Deaths in Tailings Ponds Renews Questions About Tar Sands Impact on Environment
An Environmental Mismatch Harmful To The Economic Development And The Reputation Of The Components Of The Pan-Canadian Territory.

Some canadian territories have assumed their own environmental policies on a strict economic perspective, putting their own energy choices with their environmental impacts completely to the opposite of the interests of other canadian regions. For example: the exploitation of tar sands gives the future state of Alberta, the full extent of an economic development based on the actual price of fossil fuels across the world economy .
However this choice is currently assumed by the entire country of Canada affecting the production of greenhouse gases which are harmful to the biosphere on a global scale.
The positions of the future State of Ontario and the State of Quebec, to take these two cases among many others throughout the Commonwealth of Canada, are at the forefront of respect for the planet efficient use and high development of the strategies of the renewable energies. They would normally be the objects of great esteem and receive carbon points in their favor. On the economic front, sales of green energy, is as promising as that of oil at the time of the first global survey of the deposits.
The start of the new structure of the Commonwealth of Canada will end the environmental asymmetry which comes from the federation of 1867 dispositions which pulls down all the components of its territory for one of its provinces. It will require the State of Alberta to compensate from its wealth, for its production of greenhouse gases. It will eliminate the stigma that comes from a state choice to decide for the global energy choice of all the others. The energy policy choices are states choices Energy policy is an independent and distinct form of policy which should be a political choice of each component of the Commonwealth of Canada for it’s own state : assuming at the same time the full consequences of the choice of energy exploitation.
These choices should be betterly covered in a modern structure able to cope with the actual impacts of globalization. The future, puts us behind when a region becomes a concern of all the social economic infrastructure of one of the largest territories of the world whose political future is very promising for the benefit of a restructuration claimed by specialists from all sectors of the economy but which is put on hold by the sterile argument of proponents of a federal infrastructure and those who would move immediately to a state form of local government. These two are actually wrong.
The lifting shields on both sides, the large expenses on advertising campaigns brandishing their own ghosts have thrown discredit on the entire political class in Canada. We know the abuse and loss of energy in sponsorships. It artificially creates a false issue, a false threat in both camps, where an efficient solution is smooth and very far away from dangers. We must play the development of Canada betterly and the raise of a modern infrastructure that will be the focal point of coming generations and the entire international community.
Pierre Castonguay
Une Asymétrie Environnementale Néfaste Pour Le Développement Économique Et La Réputation Des Composantes Du Territoire Pan-Canadien.

Une asymétrie environnementale néfaste pour le développement économique et la réputation des composantes du territoire pan-canadien.
La structure fédérale actuelle met un frein au développement des états qui la composent en matière d’environnement et de développement durable.
Certains états canadiens ont assumés, dans une perspective économique, des choix énergétiques avec des impacts environnementaux complètements à l’opposés de ceux des autres régions. À titre d’exemple : l’exploitation des sables bitumineux permet au futur état de l’Alberta, de saisir la pleine mesure d’une relace économique fondée sur le prix lucratif des dérivés des carburants fossiles à l’échelle de l’économie mondiale.
Cependant ce choix entraîne actuellement tout l’état canadien dans une production de gaz à effets de serres qui nuisent à la biosphère sur une échelle mondiale.
Des états comme le futur État de l’Ontario et celui de l’État du Québec, pour ne citer que ces deux cas parmi tant d’autres à travers le Commonwealth du Canada, sont à l’avant garde du respect de la planète par l’utilisation efficace et fortement développée des énergies renouvelables. Ils seraient normalement l’objets d’une grande estime et recevraient des points carbones en leur faveur. Sur le plan économique, la vente d’énergie verte s’avère aussi prometteuse que celle du pétrole au temps des premières prospection des gisements mondiaux.
La mise en chantier du Commonwealth du Canada permettra de mettre fin à une asymétrie environnementale qui fait subir aux provinces des choix que la fédération de 1867 fait assumer en tirant vers le bas toutes les composantes de son territoire pour une seule de ses provinces actuelles. Elle obligera l’État de l’Alberta à compenser à même sa richesse, pour sa production de gaz à effet de serre. Elle éliminera le discrédit que fait subir un état qui assume des choix énergétiques indépendants et distincts des autres à toutes les composantes du Commonwealth du Canada.
Les choix de politique énergétique sont des choix étatiques. Ces choix méritent d’être mieux assumés dans une structure moderne en mesure de faire face aux impacts actuels de la mondialisation. L’avenir, nous met en retard quand le présent d’une région devient la préoccupation de toute l’infrastructure sociale économique d’un des plus grands territoires du Monde dont l’avenir politique est des plus prometteur au profit d’une restructuration largement réclamée par les spécialistes de tous les secteurs de l’économie mais qui est mise en veilleuse par la querelle stérile des tenants d’une infrastructure fédérale et de ceux qui voudraient passer immédiatement au statut d’état..
Les lever de boucliers des deux camps, les coûteuses campagnes publicitaires qui brandissent leurs fantômes ont jetés le discrédit sur toute la classe politique canadienne. On connaît les abus et la perte d’énergie des commandites. On crée artificiellement une fausse problématique, un faux péril dans les deux camps ; là où une solution performante existe sans heurts ni dangers. Il faut dédramatiser le développement du Canada et en faire une infrastructure moderne qui sera le point de mire des générations montantes et de toute la collectivité internationale.
Pierre Castonguay
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Empty Shells and the Terra Cotta Bowl

A young man came to see a wise man saying : Master, I want a united Canada, a strong Canada, a Canada economically profitable, a Canada that respects its citizens, whatever their origins. I want this Canada for the next election. The master considered the young man seriously, and after a long silence, he said : explain to me how you listen to the Canada from the West. The young man replied, I take this old shell that comes from the Pacific Ocean and on a day of high winds roar I hear the sea when I put my ear to the shell. Then the master asks the young man to explain how he listens to the Canada from the East. The young man replied: I take this old shell that comes from the Atlantic Ocean and a day of high winds roar I hear the sea when I put my ear to the shell.. Then the master asked him to explain how he listen to the Canada of the Center. The young man says to him on a day of high winds roar I put my ear to the old empty shells and hear the waves of the great lakes and rivers.
Then the master retired, asking the young man to wait. The waiting has been very short and the young man was delighted when the master came back to him after a few minutes.
The master said : there are three vials in which I have put tap water. Then the master opens the first bottle and insert a few grains of salt. He tends the vial to the young man and says, here is your Canada of the West. Then the master opens the second vial and insert a few grains of salt. He tends the vial to the young man and says, here is your Canada of the East. Finally the master takes the third bottle and gives it to the young man while telling him : this is your Canada of the Center. You no longer have to wait for new elections and by mixing the water from the three flasks in a bowl of clay: the Canada that you want will be inside.
Incredulous, the young man told the master : but I will get nothing but the lightly salted water in a bowl of baked clay. The master said to him, you are absolutely right. In listening to the sound picked up by two empty shells per day of high wind, the Canada that you get is a little bit of salt water in a bowl of baked clay. From one election to the other, you listen to some empty shells during these days of high winds which makes you believe that you hear the ocean sounds.
If you want a united Canada, a strong Canada, a Canada economically profitable and which respects its citizens, whatever their origin pulls up your sleeves, no matter what political party in which you are involved : NDP, the Bloc, the Liberal or Conservative Party:
- Do not expect to receive the new Canada in the forthcoming elections
- It takes ten years of inter-partisan work
- This requires the participation of planners, economists, citizens, politicians, sociologists, political scientists, business men and media
In ten years from now, you will have moved from the Canada of empty shells in which you hear the sea to the Commonwealth of Canada. Canada is a fluid mosaic of which you hear the echo of the flux and reflux in your empty shells. Canada needs to meet the exigencies of globalization of the new millennium and to become more modern and flexible than the bowl of clay and the old shells of the 1867 constitution and it’s amendments. Canada needs you with all your honesty, all your insight and your determination. Forget the current sectarian political parties, put your energy on the unity of those who want to build a better future for future generations by putting an end to sterile disputes of the past.
To those who will tell you that the Commonwealth of Canada is a future projection of the mind and an illusion, answer back that from elections to elections you have listened to the old parties and their empty shells in which you have believed you could listen to the sea.
The new Canada will come to those who have the strength and audacity to put Canada on a design table and who will be able to clean sweep of the political ideas who advocate the status quo. The next Canada to come doesn't belong to any political party, it belongs to all Canadians regardless of their origins and allegiances. It is the sum of the pooling of our forces for a better future.
Pierre Castonguay
Les Coquilles Vides et le Bol de Terre Cuite.

Un jeune homme vient voir un sage en lui disant Maître, je veux un Canada uni, un Canada fort, un Canada économiquement profitable, un Canada qui respecte ses citoyens de quelque origine qu’ils soient. Je veux ce Canada pour les prochaines élections. Le maître considéra le jeune homme gravement et après un long silence lui dit. Explique moi comment tu entends le Canada de l’Ouest. Le jeune homme lui répond, je prend cette vieille coquille vide qui vient de l’Océan Pacifique et par jour de grands vents j’entends rugir la mer lorsque je la colle à mon oreille. Alors le maître demande au jeune homme : explique moi comment tu entends le Canada de l’Est. Le jeune homme lui répond : je prend cette vieille coquille vide qui vient de l’Océan Atlantique et par jour de grands vents j’entends rugir la mer lorsque je la colle à mon oreille. Alors le maître lui demande, de lui expliquer comment il entend le Canada du Centre. Le jeune homme lui dit : par jour de grands vents je colle les deux vieilles coquilles vides à mes oreilles et j’entend les vagues des grands lacs et du fleuve.
Alors le maître se retire en demandant au jeune homme de l’attendre. L’attente est très courte et le jeune homme a la mine réjouie lorsque après quelques minutes à peine il revoit le maître revenir vers lui.
Le maître lui dit voici trois fioles dans lequel j’ai mis de l’eau du robinet. Puis le maître ouvre la première fiole et y insère quelques grains de sel. Il la tends au jeune homme et lui dit : voici ton Canada de l’Ouest. Puis le maître ouvre la seconde fiole et y insère quelques grains de sel. Il la tends au jeune homme et lui dit : voici ton Canada de l’Est. Enfin le maître prends la troisième fiole et la donne au jeune homme en lui disant voici ton Canada du Centre. Tu n’a plus à attendre les nouvelles élections puis qu’en mélangeant l’eau des trois fioles dans un bol de terre cuite : le Canada que tu veux sera dedans.
Le jeune homme incrédule dit au maître, mais je n’obtiendrai rien d’autre que de l’eau légèrement salée dans un bol de terre cuite. Le maître lui dit : tu as parfaitement raison. En écoutant le son capté par deux coquilles vides par jour de grand vent le Canada que tu obtiens n’est qu’un peu d’eau salée dans un bol de terre cuite. D’élection en élection, tu porte à ton oreille une coquille vide qui par jour de grands vents, te fait croire que tu entends la mer.
Si tu veux un Canada uni, un Canada fort, un Canada économiquement profitable et qui respecte ses citoyens de quelque origine qu’ils soient retrousse tes manches, peu importe dans quel parti politique tu militeras, que ce soit le NPD, le Bloc, le parti Libéral ou le Parti Conservateur :
- Ne t’attends pas à recevoir ce Canada à l’issue des prochaines élections
- Cela prends dix années de collaboration inter partisane
- Cela demande la participation d’urbanistes, d’économistes, de citoyens, de politiciens, de sociologues, de politologues, de gens d’affaires et des médias
Dans dix ans, tu sera passé du Canada des coquilles vides qui te disent entendre la mer au Commonwealth of Canada. Le Canada est une mosaïque fluide dont tu entends l’écho du flux et du reflux dans tes coquilles vides. Il a besoin pour faire face aux exigences de mondialisation du nouveau millénaire d’une structure plus moderne et flexible que le bol de terre cuite et les anciennes coquilles de la constitution de 1867. Le Canada a besoin de toi avec toute ton honnêteté, toute ta perspicacité et toute ta détermination. Oublie le sectarisme actuel des partis politiques, mise sur l’unité de ceux qui veulent bâtir un avenir meilleur pour les générations à venir en mettant fin aux conflits stériles du passé.
A ceux qui te diront que ce Canada à venir n’est qu’une projection de l’esprit et une illusion, tu répondras que d’élections en élections tu a porté l’oreille aux vieux partis qui t’on tendus leurs coquilles vides en te faisant croire que tu y entendais la mer.
Le Canada à venir appartiendras à ceux qui ont la force et l’audace de mettre le Canada sur une table à dessin en faisant table rase des intérêts politiques partisans qui prônent le statut quo. Le Canada à venir n’appartiens à aucun parti politique, il appartiens à tous les Canadiens peu importe leurs origines et leurs allégeances. Il est la somme de la mise en commun de nos forces pour un avenir meilleur.
Pierre Castonguay
Friday, July 3, 2009
Leafy Flag Sketch
Jonathan Von Kodar at 13:27 on 03 July
i'd like to see fleur de lys somewhere on our flag
Pierre Castonguay at 22:14 on 03 July
Sorry Jomathan but I don't agree with you for the followung reasons :
If someday this flag does exist. It will mean that all actual provinces will be an independent state in a non federal new canadian structure called the Canadian Commonwealth. As each member state will be considered as equal, if I put the symbolic flower of Quebec on that flag I will have to put also:
the pacific dogwood of British Columbia, the wild rose of Alberta, The western red lily of Saskatchewan, the
prairie crocus of Manitoba, the white trillium of Ontario,the purple violet of New Brunswick, the may flower of Nova Scotia, the lady slipper of Prince Edward Island, the pitcher plant of Newfoundland and Labrador, the fireweed of Yukon,
the mountain avens of the Northwest Territory and the purple saxifraga of the Nunavut Territory.
Jonathan Von Kodar at 01:18 on 04 July
Thanks for the explanation and I do understand your point. Nonetheless I feel strongly about Québec's primary and special role in the shaping of our Identity and nation.
Pierre Castonguay at 10:28 on 04 July
I totally agree with you in the present Canada. But once Quebec will become a state : a country, Québec's primary and special role in the shaping of our identity will be totally assumed by Quebec as a country. So inside an eventual Commonwealth of Canada, the role Quebec has played in the history of the new alliance will still remain in the history books of Canada but it will be considered as equal with every Canada Commonwealth states. In that sense Ontario's primary and special role in the shaping of our Canadian identity will be expressed mostly in the State of Ontario but outside of this country, Ontario or any new state of the Commonwealth of Canada will be considered as equal in the union.
Pierre Castonguay at 10:33 on 04 July
When an ancient province or territory becomes a state, there is no preponderance in the status of the new state over the other parts of the Commonwealth of Canada. If a state wants to promote it's identity or it's history, it's up to the new country to do it as any country of the world at it's own expenses.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Another prototype according to Michael
Michael F. Layman at 16:52 on 02 July
Do you know what I think would look sharp: change the blue stars to read maple leafs and make the middle one slightly bigger and add four white small ones in the four corners of the flag. I wish I were as smart as you to do it.
Charles Vincent at 17:05 on 02 July
j'avoue que c'est bien de cette manière, je ne m'attendais pas à un tel résultat
Pierre Castonguay at 19:10 on 02 July
What would be the signification of the four white stars for the flag Michael. I will try to do a sample. En effet Vincent l'effet est particulier.
Pierre Castonguay at 19:31 on 02 July
Here is your suggestion Michael :
Michael Layman
well, sir, replacing all of the stars with maple leafs and keeping the flag red and white only keeps it more canadian and less busy- more eye pleasing -although gold is sharper than blue, which is more French, but red is less fitting with gold, and the stars appeal to my astronomy-side. i would have one large maple leaf in the middle (the whole ... Read morefederation), and thirteen around (provinces & territories) as for the four in each corner: we come from the four corners of the earth and the first four colonies were qc, ont, nb and ns. it is good to see you again online. your insight is always interesting and valuable. prayers appreciated as i start radiation therapy tomorrow already for my residual lower back ependymoma. keep up your great artistic and intellectual work! sorry for errors: tired and new laptop/keyboard.
Michael F. Layman at 19:35 on 02 July
Michael F. Layman at 19:35 on 02 July
Lucie Mayer at 19:39 on 02 July
Ah? Excuse me, I am from MTL, but living abroad, in Germany. Has Canada gone American while I wasn't looking? What is the meaning of those stars? A copy of the EU flag? Can someone explain why we suddenly need a new flag? Ah, the things you miss when you live abroad!
Sorry Lucie those discussion are occuring on another blog in parallel. Go to the blog and read the description and you will understand. So click on one of the flags.
Updated Canadian Commonwealth Flag
Discussion on the topic on FaceBook :
Charles Vincent :
Charles Vincent at 12:24 on 02 July
je serais curieux de voir les étoiles en bleu au lieu du jaune
Pierre Castonguay :
Charles j'ai eu la même idée que vous mais je travaille avec paint. Je vais sûrement tenter l'expérience car ce serait beaucoup plus beau. Si vous avez des talents de graphisme faites moi parvenir votre modification de l'Image.
Pierre Castonguay :
Charles j'ai finalement fait la modification et c'est beaucoup plus esthétique.
Sketch : The Canadian Commonwealth flag
Meaning of the Canadian Commonwealth flag :
The maple leaf is a symbol of duty, valor and pride. The number of points on the maple leaf means the 11 principles of the Canadian Commonwealth :
1. Each part of the Canadian Commonwealth is an independent state : a self-governing political entity.
2. Each state is democratic and capitalist.
3. Each state shares the same money.
4. Each state agrees to a common economical strategy concerning the currency.
5. Each state is an ally to all the other Canadian Commonwealth states.
6. Each state is neutral and uses the services of the Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew
7. Each state fully cooperate to the maintain of the Unity of the Canadian Commonwealth association co-operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of the same international values concerning peace, development, economy, human rights, respect of environment.
8. Each state is an ally to the USA, and the same countries it was cooperation with when it was part of NATO.
9. Each state sends elected representative to the Parliament and Council of the Canadian Commonwealth made of two chambers in the bicameral legislative branch of the Canadian Commonwealth, with legislative power being officially distributed equally between both chambers.
10. Each state is a member of a free trade agreement with a free circulation of the citizens and the goods.
11. Each state participates in a new system of equalization payments to balance the richness and life quality of all the states inside the Canadian Commonwealth.
The golden stars represent the states. As the Canadian Commonwealth flag comes from the Canadian flag the official colors were proclaimed by King George in 1921. The color red comes from the Saint George's Cross and the color white from the French royal emblem. The new flag doesn’t rewrite history. It is simply the reflection of the political evolution of the Canadian history. The two red rectangles represents the borders on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Note : The definitive number of stars around the maple leaf will depend on the number of states. Ex : the actual maritime provinces could decide to unite together in a small federation made of 3 provinces. So, in that case, one star could represent the new maritime state.
Sketch : The Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew
Sketch on the Canadian structure : The Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew
The Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew will replace the Canadian Army. It will be neutral, Environmental Safety and International Rescue oriented. Able to displace coastal populations after major marine disasters or to save people after major earthquakes.
Principle of neutrality : The person or object bearing the Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew logo will be entitled to protection from attack under International Humanitarian Law.
The Canadian Commonwealth Safety crew will keep 19,500 Regular and 15,500 Reserve crew members (former soldiers) to actively serve Canadians and the International community.
Trained and ready for rescue, the Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew will have the skills and capability necessary to respond to a wide variety of potential critical situations such as :
- Environmental disasters
- Earthquakes
- Forest fires
- Marine disasters including coastal floods
- Cyclones and Tornadoes
- Hurricanes
- Storms
- Natural disasters
- Relocalisation of entire populations during humanitarian crisis following epidemics, famine, armed conflicts or any humanitarian disaster
The Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew will represent the Canadian Commonwealth internationally.
The Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew will also be prepared to assist the Canadian Commonweauth states and territorial authorities with environmental tasks in your community, including :
- Cleaning river sides and shores or any geographical area touched by an ecological disaster or a deterioration
- Reforestation
- Urgent repair of roads and bridges
- Transport of patients during major epidemics or pandemics
- Creation of auxiliary hospitals and relief centers
- Establishment of centers for food distribution
- Construction of an emergency treatment or desalination of water
- Construction of shelters
- Construction of temporary accommodation
- Distribution of food or equipment and health care
Inland, the tasks of the Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew can therefore be summarized as follows:
· to provide relief assistance in emergency situations of large magnitude where a technical crew is required
· to support the Canadian Commonwealth societies with disaster preparedness through the education of voluntary members and the provision of equipment and relief supplies
· to support local health care projects in case of emergency
The Canadian Commonwealth Safety Crew will also be able to help local police in case of emergencies : public disorders or when the public safety and the social peace are threatened inside the Canadian Commonwealth territory.
Pierre Castonguay : Canada’s design table proposition
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