Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Canada's World : Let's Put Canada Back on the Map
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Between Michael Layman and Pierre Castonguay (June 27, 2009) :
Michael Layman
Have you considered asymmetrical and cooperation federalism? The bonds holding us together must be more than economic. They must be good will and love. And yes, the federation or confederation must be flexible, especially for Québec, but even an elastic when pulled far enough will snap. Enjoy your reflection and weekend, and thanks as always for sharing your interesting thoughts with us.
Pierre Castonguay
The elastic of the old federalism has been pulled far enough since 1867 and has snapped. In Belgium the backlash of this elastic is almost putting the country to it's death.
Haha, having the constant desire to flex the old confederation in order to make a few political momentary gains or compromise is a gerontological form of terrorism.
Because I reconsider that the bonds holding us together must be more than economic, because I cherish Canada, I am proposing a new calm and almost contemplative reflexion (nothing harmful or risky) which expresses opinions and beliefs that by adding information and by putting Canada on a design table we can find a creative and fresh new path in the old political forest which will give Canada a new force and creativity.
Michael Layman
I think perhaps you overlooked the types of federalism suggested vis à vis Québec and misconstrued my elastic analogy, but that does not erase your interesting position, which is equally as evocative, and hopefully you will continue to share your thoughts with us all so as to get the discussion rolling. Thank-you. Be well and of good cheer! I believe Québec is different and needs different tools to tackle its different reality, but I am not a decentralized across the board, preferring cooperation and bilateral approaches. In a family, if one member needs braces, all of them do not get them. Some areas the feds can do, others the provinces, determined on a case by case basis in good faith with no one holding a knife to anyone’s throat.
Pierre Castonguay
Michael, thank you for your words. Perhaps I am not overlooking the types of federalism suggested vis à vis Québec because my new blog is not much Quebec related than Nova Scotia or British Columbia related.
I will do more than continue to share my thoughts with you all on the Net so as to get the discussion rolling. I will ask you, as a lawyer to suggest us new creative laws and rules to help Canada to become a leader concerning environment, health care, social net, etc. Use your law knowledge to uplift the Canadian structure. You can help canadians to raise to a higher social, intellectual, or moral level or condition by introducing progressive (but realistic) measures for our well being.I am not interested anymore to make an analysis aboutl the areas the feds can do versus others the provinces, determined on a case by case basis inside a federal structure. I am more interested to put the structure of the new canadian states : New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec, on the design table.
If you say to me how you would conceive the new parliamentary structure of the Commonwealth of Canada in collaboration with the numerous states : then you will put a creative brick inside the infrastructure. If you say to me, I will be one of your legal adviser on the design table, I will say yes. Otherwise, you are losing your energy because there are more than 1000 political forums existing concerning the actual canadian federation : you can write and participate in these forums instead. Don't waste your time on my desing forum if you are not intellectually triggered by the exploration of the idea.
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